Daisypath Anniversary tickers

My accidental affairs with MAS flight attendants...

It's been quite some time since i receive any invitation for a meeting in KL, so last week when i was required to be at Impiana on 26th Feb... i was like... malasnyeeee nk drive!!! So.. i decided to take the early morning flight on 6.50am from Kuantan to KL and take the last flight back to Kuantan which is on 9.55pm.

Since i was gonna have some free time on the flight, i figured out to make it a quality one...so... i decided to bring along some of my 'dawai bunga telur' to kill the time. Little did I know... how a big deal it was for me to bring d dawai on board! hihu.... so... when i was about to board the flight from kuantan-KL... kan ade scan2 bag kan.. here's wut happened:

Officer : awak bawak ape ni dlm beg ni?
Me : arr? bawak notebook and doc sket... (dgn muke sgtla inesen and i totally forgot bout the dawai)
Officer : Lagi????
(her face dah mcm curious sket... sooooo.. it made me to think harder... wut did i put in d bag sampai akak ni tanye bnyk ni ek~ THEN! pufff! i remembered d dawai!!!) hihu

Me : Ooooooooooo... saye bawak dawai~
Officer : Ha? dawai? Dawai ape?
Me: hihi... dawai bunge telur la kak... alamakkkk... takleh ek bwk dawai
(me trying to put the most inesen face and cube blagak tenang)
Officer : Oooo... cube bukak tengok...
Me: Boleh2... ni ha... dawai bunge telur... nak wat dlm flight (aksi mcm nk tunjuk excited sket) :P

Luckily... d officers kat ctu let me in... since it was not a big harm kot. :P phewww~~ seb baik...
So i went in n board d plane...

On plane scenes: ( i was seating alone in row 16)

Scene 1: upon passengers board n before take off
Stewardess 1: eh2... awak buat pe tu?
Me : buat bunga telur... :)
Stewardess 1: oyeke.... utk diri sniri ke org punye...? rajinnye....
Me: utk diri sniri la.. kalau org punye x rajin sgt kot... hhehehe
Stewardess 1: bagusnye... bile kawen?
Me: :) insyaAllah bulan 5...
Stewardess 1: Owh.. x lame dah... bnyk lagi ke nak buat?
Me: Erm... dh siap bnyk jugak... tp final step x stat lagi... so bnyk la lagi
Stewardess 1: Ooo.. ok... congrats ye...
(n she went to cont her job)

Scene 2: Inspection by Chief Steward
Chief Steward: ehhh... buat ape tu? kraftangan ye?
Me: eh xlah.... wat bunga telur
Chief Steward: oooo...awak nk kawin ke?
Me: aah... :)
Chief Steward: Bile tue?
Me: InsyaAllah bulan 5 ni....
Chief steward: oyeke... ok2... gudluck n congrats

Scene 3: Distribution of nuts~
Steward 2: buat ape tu?
Me: tgh wat bunga telur
Steward 2: wahhh rajinnye... :)
(n then he went along to pass d nuts to other passengers

a few minutes later... he came back for d complete interview.. hiuhuhuhu

Steward 2: bile nak kawen?
Me: insyaAllah bulan 5
Steward 2: oooo... awak org kuantan ke
Me: taklah... KL (tepakse cos nk cut short d conversation sbb kalau ckp org kedah then i'll have to tell him probably half my life story. ahhahaha.)
Steward 2: then... ni dr kuantan ade ape
Me: ooo..x... keje kat kuantan... family kat KL
Steward 2: oyeke... nk kawen dgn org kuantan ke ni? keje kat mane?
Me: Keje kat gebeng... tau ke??? (hahahah... i alwes have this impression if u don't work in gebeng... u would never know d existence of that place. :P)
Steward 2: ermmm.. kat mane tu? (how right i was!!! mmg org xtau ok gebeng kat mane!)
Me: Jln menghala ke kemaman... :)
Steward 2: ooooo.... jauhnye keje
Me: (ishhhh... ramah betul steward sorg neh! layan jelah.. tebantut bunga telur aku ni kejap) nk wat cane... dh kene station ke sane...
Steward 2: oyeke... company ape
Me: MTBE (once again i was sure he didn;t know ape itu MTBE)
Steward 2: (muke blur) MTBE??? company ape tu?
Me: Anak syarikat PETRONAS (i don't knw y... but i'm alwes reluctant to tell strangers that i work with PETRONAS. huhuhuhu)
Steward 2: oyeke.... :) ni blk KL jumpe family over d weekend ke
Me: oo... taklah... ade miting kat kl... mlm karang balik naik flight mlm ke kuantan. :)
Steward 2: oooo... ok... penat tu...klah... smbg la wat bunga telur tu... jumpe lagi ye...
Me: occay... thanks... :)

phewwww.... 5 minutes after that... d captain made d announcement we are about to land soon... so there goes my whole trip in d plane... i packed back all the dawais... sempat lilit 100 dawai... oklah tu kan~ heheheheheh
When i passed thru d stewardess and stewards lineup, d captain wish me well for my wedding~ ehehehhehe... malunye~~ x pepasal all the flight attendants tu dah tau i'm getting married in May. hahahahaha... :P

-end of journey 1-


sitijamilahazmi March 01, 2009 12:15 AM  

hahahah oh anis!sempat lg tu lilit dawai.anyway, u shud put up an entry on how to buat bunga telur yang cantik! =)

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